Past Projects
We believe that environmental compliance and conservation efforts go beyond just checking boxes. We understand our clients’ needs and work closely with state and federal agencies.
Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System
2011 – present
- Oversight of all biological field activities for the world’s largest solar-thermal facility
- Implementation of the stipulations of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) right of way agreement, United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW) Biological Opinion, and California Energy Commission (CEC) Conditions of Certification during construction and operations
- Desert Tortoise research, quarantine and translocation of adult and juvenile tortoises, and ongoing monitoring of these populations. The ongoing tortoise monitoring includes radio telemetry, GPS loggers, and USFWS health assessments of resident, control, and translocated tortoise populations
- The Designated Biologist, Amanda Scheib, oversees all biological activities, which includes research on desert tortoises, reptiles, mammals, avian species, invasive weed species, and special status plant species
Desert Tortoise Health Assessment and Pickup Service Support for Clark County, Nevada
2019 – present
We work with Clark County Desert Conservation Program to complete U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service health assessments on all incoming desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) prior to translocation by Clark County.
Desert Tortoise Telemetry Around Culverts for Clark County Desert Conservation Program
2020 – present
- Collect telemetry and GPS logger data on resident and translocated desert tortoises located near culverts along Highway US-95 in Clark County, Nevada
- Radio telemetry is used to locate and monitor translocated and resident tortoises
- GPS loggers are deployed on all project tortoises to record detailed movement patterns to determine if tortoises utilize box culverts connecting the east and west sides of US-95
- This work is supported by the Clark County Desert Conservation Program (DCP) and is in coordination with a larger population connectivity study by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Desert Tortoise Connectivity Across Roadways for Clark County Desert Conservation Program
2019 – 2021
- Collected data on desert tortoise populations along Highways US-93 and US-95 in Clark and Nye Counties, Nevada.
- Supported by the Clark County Desert Conservation Program (DCP) and in coordination with a larger population connectivity study by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
- Mark-recapture surveys were conducted to help assess desert tortoise population densities near highway culvert crossings to assess the effectiveness of culverts as population connectors
Antelope Valley Energy Project
- Terrestrial surveys for proposed solar site expansion in Kern County, California
- Assessed presence or absence of desert tortoise, desert kit fox, American badger, and burrowing owl
Silver Peak Solar Project
- Terrestrial surveys for proposed solar site expansion in San Bernardino County, California
- Assessed presence or absence of desert tortoise, desert kit fox, American badger, and burrowing owl
Long Road Energy
- Initial surveys on the proposed Long Road Energy Project
- Habitat suitability assessment for desert tortoise and Mohave ground squirrel
- Gross density estimate for Joshua tree and vegetation community
Tumbleweed Solar Project
- Botanical and faunal assessment for proposed solar site expansion in Kern County, California
- Botanical assessment included special status species, general vegetation communities, and a comprehensive plant list for the proposed site
- One hundred percent coverage surveys were conducted to document presence or absence of desert tortoise, desert kit fox, coyote, American badger, and burrowing owl
- All plant and animal species observed during surveys were documented, including nesting birds. A final comprehensive report was submitted to the client
Qualified Biologist Contracting
When area projects need assistance staffing their efforts with qualified biologists, they turn to Ecocentric for help. We’ve provided biologists for multiple consulting agencies throughout the Mojave Desert.